Animal Crossing New Horizons: How To Get the Shops and Traders on Harv’s Island

Harv's Island has been upgraded on Animal Crossing: New Horizons. There is now a brand new space that can be filled with shops and traders. Some of them are ones already seen in-game but some are long-awaited arrivals. We're going to show you how to get the shops and traders on Harv's Island.

Read More: Animal Crossing New Horizons: How to Unlock Brewster And The Roost Cafe

How To Get the Shops and Traders on Harv’s Island

The most important thing that you need to do to get the traders on Harv's Island is to make sure that you have updated your game to version 2.0. If you have not updated to this version, you will not be able to access the new area on Harv's Island.

Once you've got the 2.0 version of the game, you will find that there is a brand new layout to Harv's Island when you visit. The new area for the shops and traders is through the wooden archway on the right-hand side of the Island.

The first time you go there you will need to speak with Harv and Harriet to learn about Harv's new cooperative idea for his Island. This is where you can begin to get shops and traders. After you have spoken to the chilled-out duo, you will be able to speak to the Gyroid Lloid. Lloid will be placed at 7 different spots in the co-op and these are where each individual trader/shop will end up.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Lloid on Harv's Island trader spot
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To get a shop or a trader to Harv's Island, you will need to donate 100,000 Bells for each stall. One you have paid the full amount, the shop/trader will appear the following day. If you want to know which trader you are paying to unlock, we've listed how Lloid describes them below and who the trader actually is:

  • Legitimate art dealer - Redd
  • Botany expert with the greenest of thumbs - Leif
  • Dapper dealer of fine shoes and handbags - Kicks
  • Talented husband-and-wife-furniture-refurbishing team - Reese and Cyrus
  • Old-timer who will give you access to your home storage - Tortimer!
  • Merchant offering rugs and mysterious wallpapers - Saharah
  • Mysteriously accurate fortune-teller - Katrina

You can also visit Harriet once she sets up her makeover seat near the fire. She will do this each time a new trader/shop appears on Harv's Island. If you agree to a makeover, she will not charge you anything! You will get a brand-new hairstyle for free that you will be able to find in your mirror or vanity back on your Island. It seems that you can only do this once per visit to Harv's Island.

What Do the Shops and Traders Do on Harv’s Island?

Once you have unlocked the shop or trader on Harv's Island, they will be permanently set up there. This means that you will not have to wait for them to visit your Island to get items off of them. All you will need to do is fly there with plenty of Bells and empty pockets.

What To Do if Your Pockets Are Too Full To Buy Items

If your pockets are too full to buy new items from the traders then there are two things you can do. You can head back to Wilbur at the plane and select the "go for liquidation" option when speaking to him. This will allow you to sell the items that you no longer want. The money you make from selling items will be transferred to your bank account in-game the next day.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Tortimer on Harv's Island
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The other way will become available after you unlock Tortimer on the Island. Once you have Tortimer, you will be able to visit him to put items in your home storage or take items out of your home storage. This is a great way of clearing your pockets without needing to sell anything.

The improvements to Harv's Island are not the only new additions to Animal Crossing: New Horizons. We have a cooking guide and a guide on how to go on Kapp'n's Island Tours. As always, there is plenty for you to be doing on your Island!

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