Apex Legends Ranked Change Will Punish You for Quitting Matches Early

Ever get annoyed that a downed opponent quits out of an Apex Legends game before you can finish them? Infuriated by the fact that you don't get any Kill Points in ranked because of a sore loser? Appalled when you're on for a 20-bomb but the final kill is stolen from you by a quitter? We've all been there - well, most of us at least.

Thankfully Aaron L, a game designer at Respawn who focuses on Apex Legends' ranked mode, has a fix for this issue. He responded to a Reddit thread complaining about Wraiths quitting the game mid-finisher to say that a fix for the problem is in the works.

We may have a while to wait as Season 11 has only just kicked off, but it's positive to hear that changes are in the works. Thankfully, Aaron also went into more details about how the change will work:

"If a player quits, and if said player has an assist marker from an enemy, the game will force-kill the quitting player, resulting in a death, and kill and assists will be granted to the last damaging enemy team," he says. "That is what I am currently doing."

In another comment, he addressed complaints that knocking two members of an enemy squad before being full-killed by the third results in no Kill Points for your hard work if your own squadmates have been downed as well.

"I definitely agree that feels bad," he says on the Reddit thread. "Making it so that you could get assists while dead would definitely solve and alleviate a lot of the feels bad here. Sadly, the current RP system with that implemented would encourage a few degenerative cases, which we need to solve before we could consider implementing this feature."

This fix seems like it's further away, especially as the developers don't want people to exploit the new rule for any reason. We'll see if it ever comes to fruition, but bring on Season 12 for fewer Wraiths quitting out before you get your KP.

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