IceManIsaac Addresses Cheating Accusations By Mocking Pros

Viewers often accuse Isaac 'IceManIsaac' Hamilton of hacking on Warzone just because he's good. His friend, ZLander has also been the subject of some hacking accusations. In the 2021 Call Of Duty Championship, IceManIsaac showed just how silly those words sound. During a live tournament, he joked that the pros themselves were hacking.

The reason it's ridiculous is that these are the best players in the world, and they train for at least 12 hours a day, five days a week. However, there are still viewers who cannot comprehend someone being that good, so they go after someone like IceManIsaac and other pros. Viewers might not believe the skill, but that doesn't mean it isn't real.

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IceManIsaac addressed hacking accusations by mocking pros

IceManIsaac recently posted a video in which he addressed the hacking accusation directly. He goes through an entire video from Gustav Spielt, who accuses IceManIsaac of cheating. It seems that someone is trying to get views using clickbait, and even the comments undermine the claim.

Still, here is IcemanIsaac's side (starts at 1:56)

As of writing this article, IceManIsaac's video has 128,527 views, while Gustav Spielt's video has 19k views. In essence, he made content for IceManIsaac, which is probably the opposite of what he wanted.

Call of Duty 2021 Championship

In any case, IceManIsaac went on to tweet about the Call of Duty 2021 tournament to ridicule the accusation further. He has not stopped making fun of how some people dislike how good professionals are.

This is also in light with ZLaner also being the subject of a huge hacking debate, which we won't comment on because it's very complex and it's old news.

The tweet is below:

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MuTeX jumped in on the fun too.

The moral of the story is that some people are really good at video games, and it comes from playing for longer than most are willing to even look at the game.

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