Cardano Founder Charles Hoskinson Wants A Crypto Rally In Washington DC

Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has called for a cryptocurrency rally in Washington DC.

Tweeting on August 9, Hoskinson said: "I think it's about time we get a rally going in Washington DC. I'm going to make some phone calls. More on this later."

This comes after the US Senate nears the passing of its Infrastructure Bill that could affect a wide range of those in the cryptocurrency economy.

Crypto Amendment Fails To Pass

Hoskinson made these comments after the Senate rejected a cryptocurrency-related amendment to the Infrastructure Bill.

The bipartisan amendment would narrow the definition of a cryptocurrency broker to exempt the likes of node operators from the tax reporting provision.

After the amendment failed to pass last week, Senate considered the proposal again on Monday. The amendment required unanimous support to pass. It failed to reach this after Senator Richard Shelby objected.

In a live stream following the vote, Hoskinson expressed his frustration over its failure.

"Everyone for the last few days has been calling their senators, knocking down doors, and getting to a point that if we had the right to have a vote, it would pass 70 to 75, to basically nothing.

"And then, on the floor, an 87-year-old man from Alabama [Senator Richard Shelby], who I don't think even knows how a computer works, objected."

Hoskinson further rallied his followers to continue putting pressure on lawmakers.

"We're not out of this fight, we're not done. We're still here," he said. "We as an industry came together in ways that I didn't think possible."

Hoskinson, also the co-founder of Ethereum, noted further chances remain for the bill to change when it reaches the House of Representatives.

"435 Congress critter's - you know what to. Do what you did with the Senate, and let's get louder. Let's push."

In the aftermath of Hoskinson's tweet, users on the r/CryptoCurrency subreddit praised the Cardano founder for caring about the wider cryptocurrency industry, and not just ADA.

Read More: Cardano Roadmap: When Do Cardano Goguen and Cardano Alonzo Launch?

[Featured Photo by Ruben Hanssen on Unsplash]

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