How Nahmii 2.0's L2 Solution Seeks To Solve Ethereum's Scaling Problems

On September 8, Ethereum’s founder Vitalik Buterin shared a proposal that would see NFTs move onto a layer-2 (L2) ecosystem.

Many Ethereum users have expressed their frustrations regarding Ethereum transaction fees amid the rise of alleged ‘Ethereum Killers’ with lower costs.

While Buterin’s L2 proposal could help quash some criticisms from those in the community, there are a variety of companies and developers already creating L2 solutions for Ethereum, such as Nahmii 2.0.

Last week, we talked to Nahmii CEO Jacobo Toll-Messia to see how Nahmii 2.0 could help with Ethereum’s scaling problems.

The Current State of Ethereum

Looking at Ethereum in 2021, Toll-Messia praised the network for its better aspects.

“Today, you have a $400-450bn network that is ultra-secure, battle-tested, and so forth,” he said.

However, Toll-Messia noted the network was not built for commercial adoption in its current form.

“Maybe we made the naïve mistake of thinking that there was going to be a silver bullet, where you could do everything at once,” he said. “So, I think time has proven Ethereum has matured to where it is today. And it is really good for some things, and maybe not great for other things.”

One of the most documented issues with the Ethereum blockchain comes from its scalability issues. Ethereum is restricted to around 15 transactions per second (TPS). This can lead to high levels of congestion on the network and volatile gas fees.

Over the past week, Ethereum’s daily average transaction fee has ranged between $2.41 and $18.50.

This is where Nahmii 2.0 comes in.

Nahmii 2.0’s Layer-2 Solution

Nahmii 2.0 is a layer-2 solution that seeks to address Ethereum’s need for a high-performance, low-cost scaling protocol.

Set to launch later this month, the layer-2 will ensure transactions have low and predictable fees, alongside low latency of mere milliseconds – a sharp contrast to the sizeable latency increases of other L2s.

Nahmii 2.0 will also be able to process a much greater number of transactions per second. Its whitepaper states there are “no limits” to the TPS that can be processed.

Toll-Messia described Nahmii’s ethos as 'pragmatism'.

“We took what I would consider to be the right approach towards scaling,” he said. “Which not only focused on TPS, but to take a full holistic approach to think about finality, latency, predictability of fees, and sustainability of the ecosystem.”

From this, Toll-Messia said Nahmii can make fees as predictable as they wish.

“We don’t batch transactions and push them down to the base layer like all the Rollups do, which incurs into an extra fee,” he explained. “We charge for the computation with the fixed gas prices.”

Nahmii 2.0 will use USD for its gas fee prices, which Toll-Messia said again comes down to pragmatism, and will help eliminate any friction.

“As a crypto user, you are comfortable with MetaMask. But if you want to onboard a billion users, you cannot ask them to take a piece of paper, write the seed words, remember them, and don’t lose them,” he said, referencing the current cryptocurrency wallet system.

“The way DeFi has been right now has been phenomenal, a fantastic experiment, and a beautiful proof-of-concept that has shown a tonne of potential value. But for that to go mainstream, you need to use tools like, for example, Nahmii, where we can onboard those with 1000x or 10000x more capital than what is locked in today in the DeFi world.”

Ethereum 2.0 And Beyond

Ethereum 2.0 will implement sharding, designed to ease pressure and congestion on the current Ethereum network through splitting the network into shard chains.

However, this won’t affect Nahmii 2.0.

“Ethereum is still going to need L2’s,” Toll-Messia said. “Ethereum is still going to need products and platforms where you can build full compliance solutions.”

He also noted Nahmii 2.0 will monitor future Ethereum developments to make sure it can adapt to any new updates.

Andrew Keys, the co-founder of DARMA Capital and a prominent Ethereum advocate, also said Nahmii 2.0 will bring benefits to gaming through the digitisation of assets.

“With using Nahmii for gaming, we can create the needed user experience, with low latency, where we are able to issue the digital sword for pennies instead of dollars on layer-1. And I think there was going to be a tremendous world built of these digital assets that we earn. 10-year-olds are going to be earning their gaming, and I think this is the ideal world to build that ecosystem.

“It’s going to be much cheaper to issue [NFTs in play-to-earn games] because you’ll have low latency. You’re going to be able to have that throughput necessary for gaming.”

Read More: Ethereum Burn Rate: How Much ETH Has Burned Since EIP-1559 London Hard Fork?

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