CSGO Patch Notes - 4th June 2021

A new patch has released in CSGO for the 4th June 2021.

Today CSGO are making adjustments to non-Prime accounts. They're also introducing Unranked matchmaking.

Here are the full release notes.

CSGO Patch Notes

Non Prime

  • Non-Prime status accounts will no longer earn XP, Ranks, Skill Groups, item drops, or Prime status through play time.
  • Non-Prime accounts will not be able to participate in Ranked matches.
  • Non-Prime accounts will not be able to activate Bonus Rank XP items and can no longer claim Service Medals.

Unranked Matches

  • Introducing Unranked matches for Competitive, Wingman, and Danger Zone game modes.
  • While still using skill-based matchmaking, Unranked matches do not affect Skill Group and have no Skill Group party restrictions.
  • Non-Prime accounts are restricted to Unranked, whereas Prime accounts may choose between Ranked and Unranked.
  • Ranked matches will always be with other Prime players, exclusively, whereas Unranked matches will be created from the mixed pool of Non-Prime players — and Prime players that have chosen to play Unranked.


  • Added “DebugDrawBoxAngles” to draw oriented bounding boxes. Usage: DebugDrawBoxAngles( ent.GetOrigin(), ent.GetBoundingMins(), ent.GetBoundingMaxs(), ent.GetAngles(), r, g, b, a, time);
  • Added “GetBoundingMinsOriented” and “GetBoundingMaxsOriented” functions that return the axis-aligned bounding box of an entity taking its current orientation into account.


  • Scrimmage has been removed from Competitive matchmaking, and has been replaced by Unranked matchmaking.
  • Added Import button to Workshop Workbench that takes a .tga file and generates a .vtf file. If the .tga file name contains “_normal” the generated .vtf file will be compiled with the ‘normal’ flag.
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