Death’s Door: How to Beat the Giant Mouth Statue in the Ceramic Mansion

A mini-boss you’ll encounter more than once in Death’s Door, the Giant Mouth Statue is found several times in the Urn Witch’s Ceramic Mansion level, guarding special souls that allow you to progress. With its shield arms and long tongue, it makes for a dangerous boss fight, but we’ll show you how to beat the Giant Mouth Statue in our guide below.

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How to Beat the Giant Mouth Statue in Death’s Door

To beat the Giant Mouth Statue in Death’s Door, players first have to recognise that there’s actually only one vulnerable part of it - the tongue. Hitting the rest of its body has no effect, it’s just the tongue that takes damage. Consequently, this is a fight about precision and lining up careful shots to hit the target.

Giant Mouth Statue Attack Patterns

The Mouth Statue has a variety of attacks centred around offense and defence, used to protect itself while retaliating with hard-hitting attacks. Here’s the full move list it’s capable of and how to protect yourself.

Shield Arms

Giant Mouth Statue uses shield arms in Death's Door
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A common move; the Statue slams both arms into the ground to hurt you, the wide stone forearms blocking the tongue completely. While it locks up like this you can’t hurt it, but by doing enough damage to the arms specifically you can break its defense open. However, take too long, and the Statue will break out of that defensive mode, charge at you, and repeat the attack, locking back up again afterwards. When the shield is broken, it does open the Statue up for a couple of strikes.

Projectile Spirits

Giant Mouth Statue uses projectile green spirits in Death's Door
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Here the Statue opens its mouth and unleashes a green spirit that homes in on the player’s location. They’re hard to avoid for long periods of time and if you take too long you’ll also have to fight the Statue at the same time - instead, hit the projectile with your sword at the earliest opportunity. If it’s at the right angle, you can actually ricochet it back at the Statue’s tongue and do damage. However it doesn’t matter too much; the ricochet won’t do much damage to the Statue and the important thing is that hitting the projectile sends it flying and destroys it.


Giant mouth statue tries to bite the player in Death's Door
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A very basic attack, the Giant Mouth Statue runs at the player and snaps at them. Just roll out of the way, this one is easy to avoid and you get a lot of warning for it. However, the basic motion means there’s not a lot of chance for a counterattack, besides using an arrow shot as it runs at you.

Spin and Slam

Giant Mouth Statue slams arm down in Death's Door
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The Giant Statue rotates on one foot before slamming one arm into the ground. The initial spin is harmless and serves as a warning for what’s coming, which is your chance to roll out of the way, as the slam has a short-range shockwave effect. However, the Statue holds that pose for a second afterwards, allowing you to hit the tongue a few times.

Tips and Strategy

The Giant Mouth Statue can be frustrating to fight, as its indestructible body is very different to anything the player has fought until now. Fortunately, we’ve put together some basic tips and tricks on how to formulate a good strategy.

  • We recommend using the Rogue Daggers found outside the building instead of the standard sword. The speed of strikes makes control easier, especially when it comes to deflecting the projectiles.
  • We mentioned this before, but the Statue’s habit of charging at the player is the perfect chance to shoot arrows at the tongue. Make use of this whenever possible.
  • While the Statue is impervious to most attacks, it also doesn’t have much health. Once you start getting confident about regularly hitting the tongue, it’ll die surprisingly quickly. Feel free to start playing a little bolder if you’ve got a good rhythm going, the fight shouldn’t go on that long.
  • Later on you’ll have to fight the Statue several times back by varying waves of spawning minions. This is a much harder fight as a result, but stay mobile - you don’t want to get surrounded - and make sure you’re never surrounded. Lure them around so they’re all clumped together (it’s not that hard to do) and try to hit several foes with every melee strike.

Looking for how to deal with more of Death’s Door’s deadly demons? Check out how to beat the Black Iron Knight, or go see how you can beat the huge Guardian of the Door boss fight.

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