Diablo Immortal legendary gems tier list (March 2024)

Diablo Immortal Legendary Gems

Diablo Immortal Legendary Gems
March 13, 2024 - We have checked over our list of Diablo Immortal legendary gems.

If you're looking for the best build in Diablo Immortal, then this legendary gems tier list should help you out. Generally adding a little something to every class, gems are a great way of furthering your class and working towards your final build.

This being said, there are so many to find, that it can be a little easy to get lost. So we'll break down a full legendary gems tier list so you know exactly what you're after.

If you're just starting up and want a rundown of what your class should be doing, here's what you should know about Crusaders, Demon Hunters, Monks and Wizards. As well as this, we have a Diablo Immortal class tier list that should help you make your decision.

Diablo Immortal legendary gem tier list - best one-star gems

Diablo Immortal legendary gems tier list


Berserker's Eye


Seled's Weakening
Ca'arsen's Invigoration
Everlasting Torment


Blessed Pebble
Exigent Echo


Zod Stone
Freedom and Devotion
Chained Death
The Black Rose
Trickshot Gem
Respite Stone
Nightmare Wreath


Defiant Soul
Mocking Laughter
Lo's Focused Gaze

There are a surprising amount of great legendary gems in the one-star category, but it's only really worth paying attention to what the best ones give you in the early stages.

Everlasting Torment should make its way into pretty much any class. Giving a bonus to combat and a bonus to critical hits, it's a great choice regardless of your style.

Although it makes you take more damage, the damage buff and extra combat rating from Berserker's Eye is worth looking into as well. No matter what class you play, there are ways to counteract that extra incoming damage, making the trade-off largely worth it.

The final gem worth paying attention to here is Chained Death. Giving an increase to your combat rating plus a nice damage bonus for extra attacks, it manages to give a nice combat boost. With almost all one-star gems, they add to almost any class well.

Diablo Immortal Legendary Gem Tier List
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Diablo Immortal legendary gem tier list - best two-star gems

Diablo Immortal legendary gems tier list


Mother's Lament
Pain Clasp


Power and Command
Fervent Fang
Volatility Shard


The Abiding Curse
Lightning Core


Follower's Burden
The Hunger
Iron Bane


Cutthroat's Grin
Bloody Reach
Kir Sling
Unity Crystal

Power & Command is a pretty great all-rounder legendary gem. Alternating between extra damage from primary attacks and skill damage every 9 seconds, you can rely on it to help you hit harder. Regardless of your class, this is quite useful.

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If you are aiming to take down a particularly strong enemy, Fervent Fang helps you deal increased damage to enemies you have already hit. It stacks up to 10 times, letting you do 8% more damage.

The two-star legendary gems have a few situational choices that could be added to your setup instead but they don't tend to be quite as consistent.

Follower's Burden increases your damage for every summon you control up to a max of 6% but other gems give just as much of a boost without having to maximise your amount of summons.

Diablo Immortal legendary gem tier list - best five-star gems

Diablo Immortal legendary gems tier list


Blood-Soaked Jade
Seeping Bile
Starfire Shard
Gloom Cask


Howler's Call
Bottled Hope


Phoenix Ashes
Zwenson's Haunting
Echoing Shade
Hellfire Fragment
Frozen Heart
Spiteful Blood
Blessing of the Worthy


Chip of Stoned Flesh

The five-star legendary gems add the most to your build but can be pretty hard to come by. Seeping Bile is our first choice and it can to almost any class well, giving a 4% chance of poison with every attack. As all classes have pretty strong attacks, this can inflict a lot of damage over time.

Although it can be a little situational, Blood-Soaked Jade gives a buff to all damage and movement speed based on your total life. At its worst, it still adds a lot to your class. If you can pair it alongside an invulnerability move or a tanky class, this will work incredibly well.

The likes of Zernson's Haunting could be useful if you run a build that uses a lot of summons but likely won't be good enough to throw into your build if not. Ultimately, these tier lists are only the start of how you want to set up your class. Experiment with what you have and try to build the best class you can.

If you're browsing around the classes and are looking for some early game tips, check out our guides on the best skills and gems for the Necromancer build and Barbarian build as well. If you're looking for some free in-game content for other mobile games, be sure to check out our list of Cookie Run Kingdom codes, too.

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