Disco Elysium's Australian Ban Has Just Been Overturned

If you've been waiting for Disco Elysium: The Final Cut's launch in Australia, then we've got good news. Having previously been refused classification by the Australian government in March - which effectively banned it from sale in the country - this decision has now been overturned.

Previously, Disco Elysium fell foul of the Australian Classification Board due to its depiction of drug use, which offers a temporary benefit to The Detective. That was formally challenged by developers ZA/UM, arguing to a (separate) Review Board that The Detective's drug use was ultimately shown in a negative light.

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This appeal was ultimately successful and Disco Elysium is now clear for release. Outlining their findings in a new report, the Review Board confirmed:

In the Review Board’s opinion, while drug use linked to incentives and rewards cannot be accommodated at R 18+, this game does provide disincentives related to drug-taking behaviour, to the point where regular drug use leads to negative consequences for the player’s progression in the game. It was, specifically, the disincentives for drug use that influenced the Review Board in making their decision.
Drug use is not explicitly depicted within the game. The game contains frequent strong coarse language, often used aggressively, which has a high impact. The themes within the game are related to a detective investigating a murder while also attempting to manage his own alcohol addiction, and getting his life back together after his substance abuse. The themes and drug references within the game are inextricably linked.

It's not the first time the Australian Classification Board has done this in recent years, either. Back in November, Bloober Team's The Medium was also refused classification in Australia, which was eventually overturned in December with an R18+ rating granted.

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