Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Announcements: Dragon Quest 3 2D Remaster Dragon Quest 12 and Much More

Dragon Quest's 35th Anniversary event has just concluded and with it came the announcement of many new games, including an HD remake of the 1988 title Dragon Quest 3, the next installment of the series Dragon Quest 12, and many updates to Dragon Quest X the MMO.

Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake

Dragon Quest III remake will be recreated in an HD 2D style, giving everyone a chance to experience the game from players who played the original, and those who will be picking it up for the first time.

The team is aiming for a worldwide release on home consoles, however, there is still no release date confirmed.

Screenshot of what the remaster will look like.
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Screenshot of what the remaster will look like.

Dragon Quest XII

To end the presentation, Yuji Horii teased the development of the next installment of the Dragon Quest series. While we were only shown a small teaser of the logo, Horii describes the game to be a game for Adults, where the world will be a lot darker, and player choice will be the driving factor of the story.

Dragon Quest XII logo
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Dragon Quest XII logo

Horii also confirms that they will be reworking the command battle system, while some changes will be present, players of the series will be familiar with the playstyle.

The team wants to aim for a worldwide simultaneous release, with more information to be released in the future.

Dragon Quest X Online

The version 5 story for Dragon Quest X will be wrapped up this summer, and version 6 will be introduced later on.

Next year will also celebrate the 10th anniversary of DQX and the team hopes to put on their own celebration.

There is still no word of a release outside of Japan.

Dragon Quest X Offline

There will be a new version of the game that will allow players to experience the story of Dragon Quest X without an interenet connection.

The game will be easy to pick up and play standalone adaption of DQX and will feature a completely different art style.

the team wants to aim for an art style that is nostalgic and charming.

There isnt much more that is known but there will be a future announcement soon, however, the game is expected to comout in Japan during 2022.

The new art style for Dragon Quest X Offine
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The new art style for Dragon Quest X Offine

Dragon Quest Mobile Puzzle Game

This mobile puzzle game features many different characters from different games over the years, however they have all turned into erasers. The premise of this game will be to erase the scribbles, which will be part of different puzzles.

Read more: Dragon Quest Builders 2 Comes To Xbox, PC and Game Pass on May 4

Dragon Quest Treasures

Inspired by the Dragon Quest series, this game will be a spinoff game that will feature Erik and Mia's Childhood, and will have a focus on treasure hunting. Taichi Inuzuka, the Producer of the game, couldnt tell us much more about it, however there is a plan to make it a worldwide release.

The game is like a RPG, but "nothing like a traditional one," Inuzuka says.

The release date and platforms it will appear on are still undecided, and more information will be revealed at a later date.

That wraps up the highlights from the 35th Anniversary livestream, if you wish to watch the replay you can here.

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