FIFA 22 Ultimate Team: Division Rivals Explained

FIFA 22 is arriving soon, which means it's almost time to start buliding your next Ultimate Team!

Division Rivals will be returning to the fan favourite mode, although there will be plenty of changes as far as the weekly competition is concerned.

Here is the full rundown.

Seasonal Progression System

Division Rivals has always been about accuring as many points as possible in order to earn higher rewards. But not in FIFA 22.

A brand new Seasonal Progression System has been added into the mode, with the new ladder system ranking players in more detail to ensure for better, fairer matches.

Your division will be devised based on the following components:

  • Ranks that reflect your progress within a Division and unlock better Weekly Rewards.
  • Stages, which are the individual steps between Ranks.
  • Checkpoints that prevent losing progress and ensure that players remain at their appropriate skill level.

Those in higher ranks will be eligable for better rewards, but it will be much harder to reach those heights than in previous years.

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Ladder Progression

As alluded to earlier, there will be a ladder that players will have to climb up in order to reach the higher divisions.

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Your match results will decided how you move on the ladder, with three key elements taken into consideration:

The result of each match determines how you progress on the ladder.

  • Winning a match moves you forward one Stage.
  • Losing a match moves you back one Stage unless you are on a Checkpoint.
  • Drawing will keep you at your current position.

Winning streaks will be key too, string together consectuive wins and you will progress towards your next division much quicker.

All players will begin their Divisions Rivals quest in Division 10, with the aim to work towards the Elite Division.

Elite Division

The Elite Division is a brand new entity heading to Division Rivals this year.

This is a FIFA playground for those who are the very best in the game, with a Skill Rating system implemented in order to separate the best from the rest, one which looks similar to that found in Division Rivals currently.

The Global Leaderboard found in FUT Champions in FIFA 21 will be transferred to the Division Rivals Elite Division, with the top 200 players appearing on the Global Leaderboard.

Want to mix it with the best in the world? You better start picking up those wins!

Weekly Rewards

Rewards will continue to be delivered on a weekly basis in Division Rivals.

You will be tasked with picking up a set number of victories each week, do so and you will earn the top rated rewards from that week. Lesser rewards will be available for those who pick up less than the rquired number of victories.

The rewards will get progressively better as you work your way up from Division 10 to the Elite Division.

Season Rewards

Division Rivals is no longer a weekly competition, each Rivals campaign will last the length of one FUT Season (approximately six weeks).

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You will be able to work your way through the Season Milestones during each campaign, with three Milestone Rewards available per season.

Refreshed Rankings

At the beginning of each new FUT Season, players will be dropped to a lower division in order to keep them on their toes.

You won't have to start at the bottom though, your new season division will be decided based on where you finished in the previous campaign.

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