Everything We Know About The New Fortnite Shockwave Launcher

I know many of us were a fan of the Shockwave Launcher when it was first released in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3. The only way you could get your hands on this weapon was by defeating Kit.

That being said, this gun was one of the most overpowered weapons in the game. It's a grenade launcher, but it shoots Shockwave Grenades instead.

Now, we all know how effective Shockwave Grenades were when it came down to moving from one place to another. That being said, this ability sent the weapon packing into the bad books of many loopers.

That being said, something similar to Kit's Shockwave Launcher is in the works in Fortnite Season 7.

Everything we know about the upcoming Shockwave Launcher

Firstly, the rarity of the weapon has been changed from Mythic to Legendary. And the fire rate for this weapon has gone down.

Which means that this weapon is now slower than it was previously. Not only that, Epic Games has decided to give the reload time a small bump as well.

And finally, the clip size has been taken down to 4 from 6. Overall, this weapon is being nerfed a lot. But how the weapon performs on the battlefield still remains to be seen.

That being said, this weapon is still in the works and there isn't much detail available about it. However, I'm assuming we'll have more information about this weapon as the days go by.

Given the fact that Kit's Shockwave Launcher was so hated by the competitive players, this weapon may not make it to the competitive playlist. However, that's still a speculation. Epic Games would definitely test it out in Arena before taking a call on it.

We'll keep updating this piece as and when we have more information on it.

Read more: Fortnite 17.30 patch notes.

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