AFK Journey Necrodrakon - everything you need to know

AFK Journey necrodrakon on pale orange background
Credit: Farlight Games

AFK Journey necrodrakon on pale orange background
Credit: Farlight Games

Do you want to learn all the details about Necrodrakon in AFK Journey? If the answer is yes, then you're definitely in the right place. With our guide, you will get all the stuff you need to confront and defeat this formidable boss.

For those who don't know, Necrodrakon is one of the dangerous bosses in Dream Realm, and you need to put in extra effort and be prepared to defeat him in AFK Journey. Choosing the ideal team is also important to defeat this troublesome creature. Thankfully, this is where our guide comes into play.

If you're looking for more details about AFK Journey, you can explore our Skyclops guide, which provides comprehensive information about the characters within the game. We also have content on getting Stellar Crystals. If you still need more things, feel free to dive into our guide on the best AFK Journey Artifacts.

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Best AFK Journey Necrodrakon teams

You can create many teams that can be effective against Necrodrakon. However, there will be some points you need to pay attention to while doing this. You can take a look at some of the team examples we have prepared for you below.

AFK Journey Necrodrakon Team Composition

Team 1


Team 2


Team 3


Team 4

Smokey & Meerky

Team 5


Of course, you can also create your own teams. However, when creating a team, remember that characters that can move a lot are a very important element in defeating this boss.

However, the character roles that should be in your team should be as follows: Tank, DPS Carry, Debuffer, Buffer and Healer. Here are a few important tips for taking down Nekrodrakon:

  • Use heroes with self-sustain or healing, as Necrodrakon's attacks can be very damaging.
  • Use heroes with good mobility, as Necrodrakon's attacks can be difficult to dodge.
  • Focus on debuffing Necrodrakon's attack and defense.
  • Necrodrakon will perform a massive AOE attack that can deal heavy damage to all heroes, a total of 3 times during the fight. Try to avoid this.

AFK Journey Nekrodrakon attacks

Nekrodrakon is a very powerful Dream Realm boss and is equipped with truly devastating skills and attacks. Here, predicting what he can do in advance may be an important element that will enable him to win your battle with him.


  • Periodically deals damage to all enemies and applies special effects that enhance their ATK SPD while also increasing the damage they receive.
  • Casts this skill at 15s, 40s and 65s after the battle starts. Deals 70% damage 3 times to all enemies, inflicting them with a stack of Abyss Sacrifice. Each stack increases the target's ATK SPD by 10 but also increases the damage they receive by 25%, up to 3 stacks and can't be dispelled.

Skill one

  • Creates a mire in the area with the most enemies, dealing continuous damage.
  • Unleashes a powerful dragon's breath at the area with the most enemies, creating a 1-tile abyss mire that persists for 4s. Enemies within the mire suffer continuous 35% damage per second.

Skill two

  • Deals damage to the 2 targets with the highest HP, Stunning them and draining their energy for a duration.
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  • Deals 50% damage to the 2 healthiest targets, stunning them for 1s and draining 40 energy over the next 3s.

Skill three

  • Periodically places a crest beneath the enemies, dealing damage to them and reducing their Energy gain efficiency and ATK.
  • Casts this skill for the first time in 5s after the battle starts, then casts again every 20s. Places a crest beneath each enemy, which explodes after 15s; the crest will disappear if the target leaves it before the explosion.
  • Level 1: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 10% and ATK by 5%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 29)
  • Level 2: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 15% and ATK by 10%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 65)
  • Level 3: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 20% and ATK by 15%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 95)
  • Level 4: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 30% and ATK by 20%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 130)
  • Level 5: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 40% and ATK by 25%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 170)
  • Level 6: The explosion deals 110% damage to the enemies, reducing their Energy gain efficiency by 50% and ATK by 30%, up to 2 stacks, and cannot be dispelled. (Unlocked at Level 170)

That's all you need to know about the Necrodrakon in AFK Journey. Please be sure to check back here for potential future additions and updates to the strongest teams.

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