What is the hotel code in Alan Wake 2?

Alan Wake looking at a sign advertising the Oceanview Cocktail
Credit: Tim Lord // Gfinity Esports

Alan Wake looking at a sign advertising the Oceanview Cocktail
Credit: Tim Lord // Gfinity Esports

There's no shortage of places to be and things to see in Alan Wake 2. Playing as Alan will have you treading carefully through The Dark Place, with the mysterious Oceanview Hotel being one of many places that you'll need a code to enter. In this guide, we'll help you find the hotel code in Alan Wake 2.

It's not as simple as finding a scrap of paper in a drawer or shining your torch on it; the door code is hidden in the environment for keen-eyed players to spot. We'll give you some hints to help you solve the Oceanview Hotel puzzle yourself, only giving you the code outright at the end.

For more Alan Wake 2, check out our walkthrough hub for numerous guides. We've also got a review of the game and can help you solve the fisherman riddle.

Alan Wake looking at the Oceanview Hotel doors
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Where is the Oceanview Hotel code in Alan Wake 2?

In your rush to get inside the hotel, you'll likely smack your face against the door and bounce right off it. An easy-to-miss sign near the door advertises the 'Oceanview Cocktail' nearby, so following the red carpet that this sign points you towards would be a good start.

The carpet leads you to a bar, where you'll be expected to use Alan's lamp to light it up. This will let you explore a much more vibrant area where you should look out for any numbers that could potentially act as the four-digit code to the door.

Like many of the safes and crates littering Alan and Saga's paths, learning the Oceanview Hotel door code is a process of slowing down and looking for clues in your environment. In this case, the drinks menu holds the code (and some very expensive drinks) - you just need to know which drink to look for.

Remembering the sign from earlier and spotting a price outlier, the Oceanview Cocktail stands out. It costs 25.50, and that just so happens to be the door code. Return to the Oceanview Hotel's front door and enter code 2550 to get inside.

Alan Wake 2 cocktail prices with the oceanview cocktail being priced at 25.50
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Credit: Tim Lord // Gfinity Esports
Keep an eye on the environment for any four-digit codes.

Hungry for more Alan Wake 2? Use our guides to open the Kalevala Knights safe, learn all about the game's charms, or find out how to get the flare gun.

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