All new iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

A woman smokes a cigarette while leaning backwards on a railing, in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

A woman smokes a cigarette while leaning backwards on a railing, in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

With a new district, new quests, new vehicles, and of course new weapons, the Phantom Liberty DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 looks to seriously revamp the Night City experience. Amongst the influx of new content, it could be easy to miss some of the new iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty.

In this guide, we'll run through all the known iconic weapons in the Phantom Liberty DLC. We'll also give you brief walkthrough of how to get your hands on a few of them in order to get you started.

If you're looking for more Cyberpunk 2077 news and guides, why not check out our countdown to the release of the Phantom Liberty DLC or our guide to all the quests coming in Phantom Liberty.

The Night City skyline with skyscrapers and futuristic advertising, in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty
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All iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty

It's not just the environment that's evolving in Night City - the arsenal is expanding too. It's not yet clear just how many iconic weapons have been added in Phantom Liberty.

We've compiled a list of all the iconic weapons we've found so far in the Phantom Liberty expansion, followed by some brief walkthroughs to help you find some of them. We'll be adding to both the table and the walkthroughs as we find more of the new iconic weapons.

Iconic Weapon Name
Weapon Type
Iconic Ability
Tech Pistol
+150% Headshot Damage Multiplier, +25% Armour Penetration, 0.5 Charge Time
Hits have a chance to inflict blinding and bonus headshot damage for its duration.
Smart Pistol
+85% Headshot Damage Multiplier, 0.9 Lock-on Time, +50% Crit Damage
Rounds have a chance to disable cyber-limbs, immobilising the enemy and increasing crit damage.
Power Assault Rifle
+175% Headshot Damage Multiplier, +25% Armour Penetration
Headshots temporarily weaken and mark enemies.
Her Majesty
Power Pistol
+150% Headshot Damage Multiplier
While Optical Camo is active, this weapon's shots gain perfect accuracy and guaranteed headshot crits with increased damage.
Hercules 3AX
Smart Assault Rifle
+50% Headshot Damage Multiplier, +25% Armour Penetration, 1sec Lock-on Time, +20% Poison Chance
Has a chance to severely poison enemies. Neutralising an enemy causes them to explode and leave a pool of acid.
Power Revolver
+200% Headshot Percentage, +25% Armour Penetration
Headshots have a chance to apply poison.
Murphy's Law
One-Handed Club (Melee)
+50% Armour Penetration, 1sec Charge Time, +20% Bleeding Chance, +20% Stun Chance, +20% Shock Chance
Hits against a knocked-down enemy increases attack speed. Strong attacks deal more damage.
Smart Pistol
+50% Headshot Damage Multiplier, +25% Armour Penetration, 1.2sec Lock-on Time, +50% Crit Damage
Fires a burst of two explosive rounds. Hits have a higher chance of dismemberment. Each dismemberment increases crit chance and applies bleeding.
Smart Submachine Gun
+85% Headshot Damage Modifier, 1.2 Lock-on Time
The longer this weapon fires, the higher the crit chance.
Tech Sniper Rifle
+300% Headshot Damage Multiplier, +50% Armour Penetration, 1.5sec Charge Time
Charged rounds penetrate through enemies and will bend their trajectory to hit multiple enemies simultaneously.
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Where can I find iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty?


This gun is wielded by President Myers in the first few missions. You can find Hawk in V's Dogtown hideout, leaning against wall to right as you enter hideout through metal door, after you've successfully exfiltrated Dogtown with President Myers at the end of the mission 'Hole In The Sky'.

Murphy's Law

Murphy's Law can be collected from the body of his namesake, Murphy, who is one of Hansen's Barghest troops. V will face Murphy while making their escape from stadium during the mission 'Firestarter'. Defeating him in combat will allow you to take his club for your own.


The smart submachine gun Pizdets can be obtained while completing the gig 'Spy In The Jungle', set in Terra Cognita in Dogtown. You'll duel with a mercenary sniper called Boris, who will drop Pizdets upon his death. Boris can turn invisible and get support from some of his fellow mercs when you fight him.


Rasetsu is a Tsunami rifle that V can obtain in the mission "Get It Together". It is the rifle you hijack and then use to help Reed in his traversal up the Black Sapphire. After obtaining the rifle, you'll regroup with Reed and continue your ascent.

That's all we have for now on the new iconic weapons coming in the Phantom Liberty DLC for Cyberpunk 2077. For more Phantom Liberty content, check out our guide on how to buy vehicles in Dogtown, how to get the new Phantom Liberty ending, or our guide on the reworked armour system in update 2.0.

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