How to get shielded cargo hold in Starfield

A screenshot of the ship with a cargo hold in Starfield.
Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

A screenshot of the ship with a cargo hold in Starfield.
Credit: Bethesda Game Studios
October 31, 2023: We've updated our guide revealing how to get a shielded cargo hold.

In Starfield, you might choose to regularly trade contraband. As these are illegal items and you still want to pursue selling them, you'll need to know how to get a shielded cargo hold in Starfield to avoid being caught. Our guide will make it easier for you to get the shielded cargo hold.

Take note that getting the shielded cargo hold in Starfield takes quite a journey. This isn't bought from any of the Ship Technicians near Spaceports. So, you'll have to do some travelling for your shielded cargo hold.

As you've added the shielded cargo hold to your ship, perhaps you want to learn how to see the path to a waypoint and how to pay off a bounty if you commit crimes in-game.

How to get shielded cargo hold in Starfield

The shielded cargo hold for your ship allows you to carry your illegal items across space without being caught by the authorities. It also helps you avoid getting jail time, so that you can do other things in Starfield as you play.

A screenshot of the Porrima Star System in Starfield.
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Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

To get the shielded cargo in Starfield early on in Starfield, you must head to the Porrima star system. This is found east of Alpha Centauri. With an upgraded gravity drive, you can gravity jump to get to the star system immediately. If not though, you'll just have to travel to nearby star systems before getting to Porrima.

A screenshot of Porrima III in Starfield.
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Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Upon arrival in the Porrima Star System, you'll find multiple planets also named "Porrima." While this is confusing, you just have to look for "Porrima III," which is the planet behind the sun of this star system. On Porrima III, you'll then have to look for the Red Mile. This will be indicated by a marker on the planet's surface. Upon clicking on the label, you'll then get a prompt if you decide to land there.

A screenshot of the Red Mile in Starfield.
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Credit: Bethesda Game Studios
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As you've landed, you'll find the Red Mile almost immediately with the help of its red neon display as you exit your ship. This will then lead you to the entrance of the Red Mile and you'll then have to look an NPC named Lon Anderssen, who works for Ship Services.

A screenshot of Lon Anderssen in Starfield.
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Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Lon Anderssen sits behind the ship services desk. Once you interact with him, you'll get a dialogue option on viewing and modifying your ship. The dialogue with Lon will bring you to the ship customisation screen.

A screenshot of the shielded cargo hold in Starfield.
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Credit: Bethesda Game Studios

Upon viewing the shipbuilder screen, you can then press the "Add" button which displays a list of ship parts available to purchase. Navigate to the Cargo tab and you'll see several options for the shielded cargo hold. You can then attach it to your ship, and you'll be able to bring in contraband without any issues with the authorities.

With that, you know how to get the shielded cargo hold in Starfield. While you're still here, consider checking out our other guides such as how to switch between first and third person and how to refuel a ship.

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