Teamfight Tactics Set 8 Monsters Attack! - augments and items

Set logo for Teamfight Tactics set 8 Monsters Attack!

Set logo for Teamfight Tactics set 8 Monsters Attack!

We're nearing the end of the Teamfight Tactics Dragonlands and Uncharted Realms era of the game. We're on our way to a brand new set, and with that comes a ton of new aspects to the game. One of the most important ones is the TFT set 8 augments and items.

Augments have been a mainstay mechanic for the past two sets, and items have been around since the beginning. With augments becoming an evergreen mechanic to the game, both of these aspects to the game are critical to understanding the set.

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Teamfight Tactics set 8 augments

As we mentioned, augments became an evergreen mechanic in Teamfight Tactics this set, meaning that they will be in the game going forward. While there's a bunch of evergreen returning mechanics, there's a host of brand new ones to learn. We'll first look at the new augments as they're the more exciting ones.

Picture of Hero Augment selection screen in TFT set 8
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Hero Augments

Augment Name
Augment Ability
Justice Punch
Carry: Gain a Galio. His Ability deals 50% more damage and knocks up its target for 1.5 seconds.
Safety First
Support: Gain a Galio. When you field him, your team gains 20 Armor and Magic Resist, doubled for 4 seconds after being shielded.
Illuminating Singularity
Carry: Gain a Lux. Every 2nd cast, her Ability deals 100% increased damage.
Lucent Barrier
Support: Gain a Lux. Combat Start: She grants her 2 nearest allies a 400 Health Shield and 20 Ability Power.
Dynamic Defenses
Carry: Gain a Gargoyle Stoneplate and a Blitzcrank. When he casts his Ability, its duration increases by 1 second per enemy targeting him.
Rocket Grab
Support: Gain a Blitzcrank. Combat Start: He pulls the farthest enemy and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.
Reign of Anger
Carry: Gain a Renekton. He gains 30% Attack Speed and an additional 2% per 100 missing Health.
Cull the Meek
Support: Gain a Renekton. When you field him, your team deals 10% bonus damage, tripled against enemies below 50% Health.
Divine Ascent
Carry: Gain a Kayle. She gains bonuses per star level. 1: 30% Attack Speed 2: +2 Attack Range 3: Attacks fire 2 additional bolts dealing 50% damage.
Righteous Range
Support: Gain a Kayle. Combat Start: She and her 2 nearest allies gain +2 Attack Range and 15% Attack Speed.
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Hero augments are most of the new augments in Teamfight Tactics set 8. These augments are meant to turn one of your units into the star hero or villain, giving them a unique power. Each unit in the game has a "carry" and a "support" augment. These augments can be offered in place of one of the normal augment offerings, but it may not be offered at all.

Emblem Augments

Augment Name
Ace Crest
Gain an Ace Emblem and 2 gold.
Ace Crown
Gain an Ace Emblem, a Runaan's Hurricane, and 2 gold.
A.D.M.I.N. Heart
Your team counts as having 1 additional A.D.M.I.N. Gain a Camille.
A.D.M.I.N Emblem
Gain an A.D.M.I.N. Emblem and a Blitzcrank.
A.D.M.I.N Crown
Gain an A.D.M.I.N. Emblem, a Hand of Justice, and a Camille.
Aegis Crest
Gain an Aegis Emblem and a Vi.
Aegis Crown
Gain an Aegis Emblem, a Redemption, and an Alistar.
Anima Squad Heart
Your team counts as having 1 additional Anima Squad. Gain a Jinx.
Anima Squad Crest
Gain an Anima Squad Emblem and a Sylas.
Anima Squad Crown
Gain an Anima Squad Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Riven.
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The typical Heart, Crest, Crown and Soul augments return for the new origins and traits. Each of these will either increase the count of a particular trait on your board or provide you an emblem for the trait, give you a unit and possibly an item depending.

Returning Augments

As for returning augments, we're getting all of the generic augments from Set 7.5 returning. There are no Trait specific augments, as the Hero Augments are the new one, save one, Threat Level: Maximum, which gives threats 100 HP for each Threat on the board.

Teamfight Tactics set 8 items

As for the Items, there is one new item coming to the game in Set 8, the Guardbreaker. Here's details about that


Components; Glove and Belt

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  • +20% Critical Strike + +150 HP
  • Grants 15% bonus attack damage and 15 bonus Ability power. Abilities and Attacks deal 25% more damage to shielded enemies

In addition to this, there has been some changes to some items.

  • Sword: Grant % Attack Damage
  • Gloves: Grants only Critical Strike
  • Blue Buff
    • Grants 10 Bonus Starting mana and 20 bonus Ability Power
    • Reduces the holders maximum mana by 10.
    • If the holder gets at least one takedown within three seconds of casting, gain 20 mana.

And that's the augments and items in set 8! Be sure to check out our champions and traits guide to see what units and traits are coming to the set! While you're here, if you're looking for more mobile game content, why not check out some of our Torchlight Infinite guides. Why not start off with our Torchlight Infinite build tier list, and also our Flame Elementium farming guide.

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