Valorant Console Tier List - Best Characters

Valorant key art of Jett posing facing the right, holding a dagger surrounded by wind in her right hand.
Credit: Riot Games.

Valorant key art of Jett posing facing the right, holding a dagger surrounded by wind in her right hand.
Credit: Riot Games.

Valorant undeniably has a very steep learning curve. With a mountain of characters, maps, and weapons to get to grips with to avoid getting slayed constantly by experienced players, it’s a good idea to sort the wheat from the chaff. Our Valorant tier list is aimed at PS5 and Xbox players due to the change in meta that's obvious when moving from PC to a console's controller.

When it comes to a Valorant console tier list, it’s important to think about how differently the game plays with a controller rather than a mouse and keyboard. Simply put, there are maneuvers you can’t pull off quite so well on a controller, which makes a tier list of the best Agents in Valorant console unique. Speaking of agents, you can find out how to unlock Agents in Valorant to expand your roster.

Valorant Console Tier List

The best Agents in Valorant on console are:

Valorant Console Tier List











When it comes to the best characters in Valorant on console, it’s largely what you’d expect if you’re coming from PC. The likes of Iso, Neon, Cypher, Jett, Omen, and a handful of others are useful for a wide variety of maps and adapt to the console playstyle well.

However, remember that the most important thing to think about when choosing your Agent each match is what map you're on. Some characters are better for some maps than others. This is a general overview of which characters are best on console for most maps.

Iso posing in the Valorant character selection screen, with a gun in his right hand, holding it across his chest.
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Credit: Riot Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.


  • Role - Duelist
  • Undercut - Equip a molecular bolt. Fire to throw it forward, applying a brief fragile effect to all players it touches. The bolt can pass through solid objects, including walls.
  • Double Tap - Start a focus timer. Once completed, enter a flow state during which downed enemies you kill or damage generate an energy orb. Shooting this orb grants you a shield which absorbs one instance of damage from any source.
  • Contingency - Equip to assemble prismatic energy. Fire to push an indestructible wall of energy forward that blocks bullets.
  • Kill Contract - Equip an interdimensional arena. Fire to hurl a column of energy through the battlefield, pulling you and the first enemy hit into the arena. You and your opponent duel to the death.

Iso is one of, if not the best characters in Valorant on console - continuing his rain of terror from PC. From Undercut to Contingency, Iso’s abilities are perfect for aggressive plays and pushing enemies. While he works incredibly well with a coordinated team, Iso’s greatest strength is that he’s also a strong solo Agent.

Plus, his ultimate, Kill Contract, is the perfect test of skill, pitting you and the affected enemy against each other in a 1v1 duel.

Neon posing in the character selection screen in Valorant, stretching her left arm across her chest.
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Credit: Riot Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.


  • Role - Duelist
  • Relay Bolt - Instantly throw an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast.
  • High Gear - Instantly channel Neon’s power for increased speed. When charged, ALT FIRE to trigger an electric slide. Slide charge resets every two kills.
  • Fast Lane - Fire two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision and damage enemies passing through them.
  • Overdrive - Unleash Neon’s full power and speed for a short duration. Fire to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy. The duration resets on each kill.

Like Iso, Neon is a superb playmaker. Not only can you amp up your speed to flank or position faster than your enemy, but Neon can also control areas of the map with Fast Lane, which is invaluable for pushing enemies and objectives. Best of all though is her ultimate, Overdrive, which is absolutely devastating in the right hands, especially as it rewards you with bonus time after each elimination.

Cypher from Valorant posing in the character overview screen, holding a suppressed pistol down by his side in his left hand and a small blue disk in his right hand.
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Credit: Riot Games. Screenshot taken by GfinityEsports.
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  • Role - Sentinel
  • Cyber Cage - Instantly toss the cyber cage in front of Cypher. Activate to create a zone that blocks vision and slows enemies who pass through it.
  • Spycam - Equip a spycam. Fire to place the spycam at the targeted location. Re-use this ability to take control of the camera's view. While in control of the camera, fire to shoot a marking dart. This dart will Reveal the location of any player struck by the dart. This ability can be picked up to be redeployed.
  • Trapwire - Equip a trapwire. Fire to place a destructible and covert tripwire at the targeted location creating a line that spans between the placed location and the wall opposite. Enemy players who cross a tripwire will be tethered, revealed, and dazed after a short period if they do not destroy the device in time. This ability can be picked up to be redeployed.
  • Neural Theft - Instantly use on a dead enemy player in your crosshairs to reveal the location of all living enemy players.

Cypher is the king of intelligence gathering. With spycams, tripwires, and more, Cypher is unmatched when it comes to team utility and skilled players will be able to become a one-man army. Though he requires strong map knowledge to truly master, there’s a reason Cypher is an S-rank Agent.

Valorant Tier List - Biggest Differences Between Console and PC

The biggest difference in the meta between the Volarant console and PC version is that characters that demand strong team communication or precision are generally weaker.

Since it’s rarer for console players to use in-game voice chat to communicate like PC players often do, characters that rely on communication and coordination with your team are harder to take full advantage of. Breach, Fade, and Harbor are prime examples of this. While it’s possible to play these characters well by yourself, particularly Breach, they’re best used when allies can take advantage of their abilities too. If you’re not communicating in chat, which console players often don’t, then these plays can be few and far between.

On the other hand, there are characters that demand precision and fast reflexes, which are better suited to a mouse and keyboard than a controller. Chamber suffers the most from this. While Chamber dominates PC lobbies - and can still on console - it’s certainly rare to see Chamber topping the board due to his high skill ceiling.

Well, that’s our Valorant console tier list to show you all the best Agents on PS5 and Xbox Series X. Still struggling? For more ways to improve your skills, take a look at the best Valorant crosshairs that you can use.

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