Life Is Strange True Colors: How to Help the Birdwatcher

While exploring the town of Haven Springs in Chapter 2 of Life Is Strange True Colors you'll come across a birdwatcher who needs help. You'll need to track down the bird she is looking for, and direct her to it. This will help her win a competition, and will change her aura to a positive one. Here's how to help the birdwatcher.

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Life Is Strange True Colors: How to Help the Birdwatcher

The Birdwatcher is an NPC that can be found hanging out in the park, opposite the Black Lantern in Chapter 2. Using your powers will reveal that they are looking for a particular bird, hoping to take a picture and win a bird watching contest. Problem is, they can't find it, but know that it is roosting around town somewhere.

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Head around the back of the Diner, which is located roughly opposite the Black Lantern, next to the park. You can look into a tree and find a bird. You'll find a picture of this just above this paragraph. Once you've spotted the bird and interacted with it you can make your way back to the Birdwatcher. Tell them where the bird is and their aura will change. Later on in the game, Chapter 4, you can find the Birdwatcher sat at a table by the bar at the Black Lantern. They will explain that they won the contest. This is one of many side missions available in the game. There's no real bonus for doing them, but they're a good way to test out using Alex's powers to change Haven Springs for the better.

That's all we have on helping the Birdwatcher in Life Is Strange True Colors. For more on the game be sure to check out our guide on Romancing Ryan or Steph. Elsewhere there's our look at Finding Every Memory in Haven Springs.

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