Best NBA 2K22 Playmaking Badges

There are so many different routes that you can take in NBA 2K22's MyCAREER.

Some may choose to be a defensive stalwart, others the main man for putting points on the board.

But if your destiny lays with the playmaking role then you are in the right place, as we run you through all the best Playmaking Badges in NBA 2K22.

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Best Playmaking Badges

No NBA franchise is going to pick up a ring without a key playmaker in their side.

If you want to be that man, then these are the best Playmaking Badges for you to go out and grind for in NBA 2K22.

From the list of 20 available, we have whittled it down to the top five. So without further ado, here are our top five Playmaker Badges.


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NBA 2K22 defenders are better than ever before, so it is more important than ever to have the upper hand in those 1v1 situations.

This is where the Unpluckable badges comes into play.

With the Unpluckable badge in your inventory, defenders will find it increasingly difficult to poke the ball away from your grasp, with steals few and far between.

Turnovers can have a hugely adverse effect on your player rating, so you should definitely consider the Unpluckable badge.

Handles For Days

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If you're going to be the primary playmaker in your team, then the likelihood is you will hold onto the ball for longer spells than any other play in your attacking outfit.

With this in mind, the Handles For Days badge is one that you should consider, especially if you're looking to string together those skilful manoeuvres with ball in hand.

The HFD Badge means that you will use less energy whilst completing dribble moves, meaning you can bamboozle your opposite number for longer periods of time.

It's a must have for any skilful guard in 2K22.

Bullet Passer

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It's easy to get lost in the dribbling boosts available through the playmaking badges, but without an end product, they are virtually useless.

This is why the Bullet Passer badge is of such importance.

With this badge applied, the quality of your passing will increase ten-fold, both in terms of speed and accuracy.

This means that you are less likely to be intercepted and more likely to find that showreel pass for your big to throw down a monster dunk.

Stop & Go

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If you're a Steph Curry-esque playmaker who is wanting to put big numbers in the scoring column, then you can't go without the Stop & Go badge.

The primary role of the Stop & Go badge is to improve a player's ability to stop and start with the ball. If you're wanting to pull up and shoot regularly, then you will need this badge to ensure your balance remains sturdy.

Not only will it help you maintain your balance, but it will also give you the upper hand on the defender marking you, allowing you that split second gap to drain your long range jumper.

Bail Out

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Those long range jumpers don't always go to plan though. This is where the Bail Out badge comes in handy.

All too often you will find yourself in a position where you think the shot is the best option, before spotting an open teammate in the corner.

With the Bail Out badge applied, you will be rewarded with an increased pass success rate when throwing the ball during a jump shot or a layup.

All Playmaking Badges

Ankle Breaker
Ball Handling
Bail Out
Pass Accuracy
Break Starter
Pass Accuracy
Bullet Passer
Pass Accuracy
Pass Accuracy
Speed With Ball
Floor General
Pass Accuracy
Glue Hands
Ball Handling
Handles For Days
Ball Handling
Ball Handling
Showing 1-10 of 20
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