No Man's Sky - How to get chlorine

A screenshot from No Man's Sky featuring a character in a space suit, standing on a beach, and overlooking the water.
Credit: Hello Games

A screenshot from No Man's Sky featuring a character in a space suit, standing on a beach, and overlooking the water.
Credit: Hello Games

Some resources in No Man's Sky are used far more frequently than others. Whether that's because they're part of a common crafting recipe or are simply needed to survive, players should know where to find the resources they will need the most throughout their time in the galaxy.

One such resource that players will use more than most of the ones they will find is chlorine, and its use in the galaxy goes far beyond chlorinating a swimming pool.

Chlorine is used in many crafting recipes in No Man's Sky. It can be tricky to get a hold of, which is why we've put together this guide on finding and using the resource.

You can also read our other guides on some of the newer content in No Man's Sky, such as finding Dissonant Systems, Radiant Shards, and Atlantideum.

How to Get chlorine No Man's Sky

There are three main methods for getting chlorine, other than just buying it from NPCs that is. These methods are as follows:

  • Refining - Chlorine can be refined from salt.
  • Chlorine farming - You can combine chlorine with salt to multiply your stocks.
  • Mining - Certain planets have chlorine-based flora and minerals.

We'll now go into a bit more detail on each of these methods. Make sure you have a medium refiner as well before trying to acquire chlorine. This machine is purchasable as a blueprint from the Space Anomaly. You'll also need a Terrain Manipulator, and ideally, some upgrades that boost oxygen capacity while underwater.

Using a refiner to turn salt into chlorine in No Man's Sky
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Refining chlorine from salt

The best way to get chlorine at first is to use a refiner. Place salt into it and add some fuel, which produces chlorine. To get salt, head underwater and look for salt deposits in the form of certain minerals. Planets with large oceans often also have salt listed in their available resources if you scan them before heading into their atmosphere. You can find salt deposits using a scanner, then using a Terrain Manipulator to mine them.

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A player sits underwater and mines a mineral for Chlorine
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Chlorine farming method

Once you have at least 100 chlorine, build a medium refiner. You can then combine chlorine with oxygen to massively increase your chlorine stocks. You can purchase oxygen from space stations, get it by using an Oxygen Atmosphere Harvester, or simply mine it through other resources.

With this method, you can make incredible amounts of chlorine, which is actually a really great way to make money as well, seeing as chlorine can go for some solid cash at a trade terminal.

Mining chlorine from minerals

Finally, if you are on a planet that has salt listed as a resource, you'll often find that certain minerals have chlorine as a primary or secondary mining reward. Head underwater and scan minerals to see if the planet you're on has chlorine embedded in its minerals.

From there, it's as simple as mining that resource and watching your chlorine inventory increase.

That's all you need to know about getting chlorine in No Man's Sky. For more on the game be sure to check out our guide on finding and using portals. Elsewhere,, there's our look at getting cadmium from red star systems.

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