No Man's Sky - How to get Emeril

No Man's Sky Emeril
Credit: Hello Games

No Man's Sky Emeril
Credit: Hello Games

There are some resources that are simply tougher to find than others in No Man's Sky. It wouldn't be a sandbox game if it didn't make players spend hours looking for a specific resource that they might only need once or twice. That's the dilemma many players face when they are searching for Emeril throughout the vast and expansive galaxy.

Emeril is a rare resource that can only be found in certain star systems in No Man's Sky. You'll need the Emeril Drive in order to get it, which in turn is crafted using another rare resource. In this guide, we will explain how to get Emeril in No Man's Sky, and some info on what it is primarily used for.

With the recent Interceptor update in No Man's Sky, there is a plethora of new content available in-game. Check out some of our guides to help you navigate this new content - here's where to find Dissonant Systems, Radiant Shards, and Atlantideum.

No Man's Sky - How to get Emeril

To get Emeril, you will first need to purchase the blueprint for an Emeril Drive at the Space Anomaly. You'll need Salvaged Data to buy it, and the following resources to craft it:

  • Cadmium (250) - Only refinable after purchasing the Cadmium Drive from the Space Anomaly
  • Wiring loom (4) - Purchasable from Galactic Trade Terminals
The recipe for the Emeril Drive in No Man's Sky: 250 Cadmium, 4 Wiring looms
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Once you have the Emeril Drive installed on your ship, make sure you have fuel in your Hyperdrive and head into the Galaxy Map. Search for a green star system and warp to it. Planets in these systems will have Emeril deposits on them. You can check to see if a planet is rich in Emeril by scanning it first while in space.

a green star system is highlighted in the Galaxy Map
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Mine the Emeril deposits on a planet using your Terrain Manipulator. You can find them using your scanner, and they are simply labelled as Emeril Deposits. Make sure to gather as much as you can, as you'll need to travel back to green star systems for more if you run out.

Using a refiner to get Emeril

If you already have some Emeril on you, place it into a medium refiner. Add chromatic metal and you can double your Emeril stocks. This is a great use for any chromatic metal you have, as it is much easier to get than Emeril (refined from copper).

Read more - How to get Salvaged Frigate Modules in No Man's Sky

What is Emeril used for?

Emeril is primarily used to craft the Indium Drive, which allows you to reach blue star systems. Here are some other items that require Emeril in order to craft:

  • Atlas Pass V3
  • Chromatic Warp Shielding
  • Damage Radius Tau
  • Venom Urchin
  • Deflection Enhancement Theta

That's all you need in order to get Emeril in No Man's Sky. For more help with the game, be sure to check out our guide on finding chlorine and antimatter in No Man's Sky. Elsewhere, there's our look at some essential tips for playing the game.

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