Phasmophobia: How to Play Single Player Mode

Not everyone wants to play Phasmophobia multiplayer; or sometimes, you may just have a ghost hunting itch to scratch and your friends aren't available. The good news is that you can play the game single-player. While it may be a little trickier without a team on hand to help you out, it is still possible - here's how.

Read More: Phasmophobia: All Ghost Types And Evidence Explained

How to Play Single Player Mode in Phasmophobia

Firstly, you need to keep in mind the fact that you will have to set up all cameras and collect all evidence by yourself.

Also, if the ghost starts hunting, you're going to be the primary and only target of their attack. Yet, if you're okay with this and can take on a challenge, creating a single-player lobby in Phasmophobia is pretty easy.

The Phasmophobia start menu board in the ghost hunters hideout.
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Following logging in, go to the board where you would normally select your contract and set up your games. Select 'Play', then choose 'Create Private'. You will then be in a private server lobby where you can go ahead and choose which map you want to go and visit, as well as which equipment you're going to take with you.

After this, go to your 'Mission' tab and have fun hunting down the ghost solo!

As we mentioned, things may be a little trickier playing solo, but that doesn't mean they'll be any less fun. Get your video camera's set up early and try to establish where the ghost is located on the map sooner rather than later; then it's just a matter of collecting your evidence and completing your objectives. Good luck!

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