Archer Queen

Archer Queen is an Attacker character in Supercell's newest game, Squad Busters. She is originally from Supercell's Clash of Clans mobile game.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 09:19 am GMT
squad-busters Archer Queen characters Image
Archer Queen
  • Hp Range
    • min1200
    • max4200
  • FusionRanged units attack even faster
  • TypeAttacker
  • RarityEpic
  • Unlock InfoOrbs 20
  • Damage Range
    • min140
    • max294
  • Special AbilityRanged units attack 20% faster

Who is Archer Queen?

Archer Queen is a 'Epic' character who originates from the mobile game Clash of Clans & Clash Royale. Now in Squad Busters, Archer Queen is known for her exploding arrows and buffs that helps other ranged units.

Archer Queen is an 'Attacker' hero and is unlocked via the player earning 20 Orbs.

What are Archer Queen's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 140
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 280

As an 'Attacker' character, Archer Queen's damage may not be as explosive as you'd first imagine. That said, her speed and capability makes up for it by making it so that her damage is faster. She also has explosive arrows via her Classic Ability, making her damage hit even harder.

What are Archer Queen's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1300
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 4550

Archer Queen's defensive capabilities aren't all that bad considering she's an 'Attacker' hero. However, much like other ranged units in Squad Busters, she does not do as well when faced with melee-based units.

What are Archer Queen's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Your ranged units attack faster
  • Classic Ability: Occasionally fires exploding arrows
  • Super Ability: Recovers health steadily when not attacking
  • Ultra Ability: Gives an X-Bow Spell
  • Fusion Ability: Ranged units attack even faster

Characters like Archer Queen

  • Colt
  • Bea
  • Bo
  • Dynamike

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