Battle Healer

Battle Healer is a Healer character in Squad Busters. She is originally from Supercell's Clash Royale and Clash of Clans mobile games.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 10:13 am GMT
squad-busters Battle Healer characters Image
Battle Healer
  • FusionBoosts health even more
  • TypeHealer
  • RarityEpic
  • Unlock InfoOrbs 40
  • Damage Range
    • min120
    • max252
  • Special AbilityFully heals and boosts Squad health by 600
  • Hp Range
    • min1800
    • max6300

Who is Battle Healer?

Battle Healer is an 'Epic' character who originates from the mobile game Clash Royale. Now in Squad Busters, Battle Healer is a unit that's best known for her close-ranged attacks, and effectiveness when with another Barbarian unit.

Battle Healer is a 'Healer' hero and is unlocked via the player spending 20 orbs.

What are Battle Healer's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 120
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 240

As a 'Healer', Battle Healer does truly have any offensive capabilities that are worth mentioning. If she's in a fight with another enemy unit, she does have the possibility to prevail and overcome but this is certainly not something she specializes in.

What are Battle Healer's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1800
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 6300

Battle Healer truly lives up to her name, with her defensive capabilities being more about healing and beefing up the other units in her squad. She's capable of healing herself and other units at opportune moments, and is the hero unit that is most useful in keeping the squad right and ready to jump into the fray.

What are Battle Healer's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Boosts Squad health by 400
  • Classic Ability: Heals the Squad after opening a chest
  • Super Ability: Increases Squad Health boost to 600
  • Ultra Ability: Heals much more after opening a Chest
  • Fusion Ability: Boosts health even more

Characters like Battle Healer

  • Pam
  • Medic

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