Royale King

Royale King is a Defender character in Supercell's Squad Busters. He is originally from the Clash Royale mobile game.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 14:52 pm GMT
squad-busters Royale King characters Image
Royale King
  • Damage Range
    • min115
    • max241
  • Special AbilityDeploys Royal Recruits after opening a chest
  • Hp Range
    • min2200
    • max7700
  • FusionDeploys giant Royal Recruits
  • TypeDefender
  • RarityEpic
  • Unlock InfoComplete quests in Royal World

Who is Royale King?

Royale King is a 'Epic' character who originates from the mobile game, Clash Royale. Now in Squad Busters, Royale King is known for sicking his loyal men, known as royal recruits, to help defend the squad from enemy combatants.

Royale King is a 'Defender' hero, and is unlocked when the player completes 9 quests.

What are Royale King's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 115
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 230

On his own, Royale King's damage is far from being the best. However, when partnered with his royal recruits, Royale King is far from a hero to turn your nose up at.

What are Royale King's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 2200
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 7700

Royale King truly lives up to his 'Defender' status, with a whopping 7700 HP when fused. Pair that with his endless royal recruits, and you won't be getting rid of Royale King in a hurry.

What are Royale King's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Deploys Royal Recruits after opening a Chest
  • Classic Ability: Extra Kings in the Squad deploy extra Recruits
  • Super Ability: Gives a Royal Delivery Spell containing an Elite Recruit
  • Ultra Ability: Deploys Elite Royal Recruits
  • Fusion Ability: Deploys giant Royal Recruits

Characters like Royale King

  • Nita
  • Barbarian King
  • El Primo
  • Heavy

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