
Tank is a Defender character in Squad Busters. She is originally from Supercell's Boom Beach mobile game.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 15:30 pm GMT
squad-busters Tank characters Image
  • FusionTanks start with Overdrive.
  • TypeDefender
  • RarityRare
  • Unlock InfoComplete quests in Beach World.
  • Damage Range
    • min125
    • max250
  • Special AbilityTanks Overdrive their attack speed occasionally.
  • Hp Range
    • min1200
    • max4200

Who is Tank?

Tank originates from the mobile game Boom Beach, but is now stepping into the fray in Squad Busters. Tank is known for her defensive, but powerful abilities.

Tank is a Rare Defender character, and is unlocked via completing quests found in the Beach World.

What are the offensive capabilities of Tank?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 125
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 250

Tank has a base attack damage of 125. As a Defender, it makes sense that Tank's damage isn't as transparently useful as her defense.

However, she more than makes up for this when she is fused. Her fusion attack damage is ramped up to 250, and paired with her abilities to control Tanks found on maps, she's certainly not a character to mess with.

What are the defensive capabilities of Tank?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1200
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 4200

Tank's defensive capabilities showcase a hero that can take a fair bit of damage, but is still incapable of matching up to even some All-Rounder characters.

That said, Tank isn't completely hopeless. Her amount of hit points when in fusion is nothing to sniff at, and when partnered with her other abilities, Tank's not-too-tanky-HP is well-complemented by their Overdrive.

What are Tank's abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Takes control of Tanks found in Maps
  • Classic Ability: Tanks Overdrive their attack speed occasionally
  • Super Ability: Tanks start with Overdrive
  • Ultra Ability: Tanks repair during Overdrive
  • Fusion Ability: Tank takes control of a giant tank

Characters like Tank

  • Barbarian King
  • El Primo
  • Heavy
  • Nita

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