
Witch is an Attacker character in Squad Busters. She is originally from Supercell's Clash Royale and Clash of Clans mobile games.

Last Updated 23 May 2024 at 09:48 am GMT
squad-busters Witch characters Image
  • Unlock InfoComplete 9 quests
  • Damage Range
    • min230
    • max483
  • Special AbilitySummons skeleton allies repeatedly
  • Hp Range
    • min1000
    • max3500
  • FusionSummons more skeletons even faster
  • TypeAttacker
  • RarityEpic

Who is Witch?

Witch is a 'Epic' character who originates from the mobile games Clash of Clans & Clash Royale. Now in Squad Busters, Witch is known for their necromantic ability to summon skeletons and overwhelm enemy squads.

Witch is an 'Attacker' hero, and is unlocked when the player completes 9 quests.

What are Witch's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 250
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 500

Living up to her 'Attacker' reputation, Witch can do a fair amount of offensive damage to the enemy squad even before she is fused. But what makes her stand out the most is, without a doubt, her skeleton army.

What are Witch's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1000
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 3500

Witch may be good on the offensive front, but her defence leaves a lot to be desired. However, considering she can summon skeletons repeatedly, you'll have to get past them before you can even get to her.

What are Witch's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Summons Skeletons repeatedly
  • Classic Ability: Summons more Skeletons
  • Super Ability: Gives a Skeleton a Barrel Spell
  • Ultra Ability: Skeletons get stronger bones and a sharp dagger
  • Fusion Ability: Summons more skeletons even faster

Characters like Witch

  • Archer Queen
  • Bea
  • Bo
  • Wizard

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