Hog Rider

Hog Rider is a Speedster character in Supercell's Squad Busters. He is originally from the Clash of Clans and Clash Royale mobile games.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 11:52 am GMT
squad-busters Hog Rider characters Image
Hog Rider
  • Unlock InfoOrbs 10
  • Damage Range
    • min150
    • max307
  • Special AbilityTurbo recovers quickly while in tall grass
  • Hp Range
    • min1500
    • max5250
  • FusionTurbo recovers even faster in tall grass
  • TypeSpeedster
  • RarityRare

Who is Hog Rider?

Hog Rider is a 'Rare' character who originates from the
Clash of Clans & Clash Royale mobile game. Now, in Squad Busters, the Hog Rider is known for their turbo recovers even faster in tall grass to support the rest of the player's squad.

Hog Rider is a 'Speedsters' hero.

What are Hog Rider's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 150
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 307

As a speedster character, Hog Rider exhibits substantial offensive capabilities, which become even more formidable in his Fusion form. In his regular state, his damage allows him to consistently inflict significant harm on his enemies, making him a strong offensive presence in battles. In his Fusion form, his offensive capabilities receive a significant boost, delivering devastating blows that can quickly overwhelm and defeat opponents.

What are Hog Rider's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1500
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 5250

Hog Rider boasts impressive defensive capabilities, significantly enhanced in his Fusion form. In his regular state, his HP provides him with a robust level of durability, allowing him to withstand many enemy attacks and remain a resilient presence in combat. His Fusion form makes him a highly resilient and reliable character, capable of sustaining through prolonged engagements and providing critical support to his team.

What are Hog Rider's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Grass gives a burst of Turbo
  • Classic Ability: Turbo lasts longer
  • Super Ability: Turbo recharges faster
  • Fusion Ability: Turbo recovers even faster in tall grass
  • Ulta Ability: Turbo increases movement speed even more

Characters like Hog Rider

  • Chicken
  • Max
  • Dragon Chicken

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