
Mavis is a Supplier character in Supercell's Squad Busters. She is originally from the Hay Day Pop mobile game.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 12:00 pm GMT
squad-busters Mavis characters Image
  • RarityCommon
  • Unlock InfoPlayer Level 39
  • Damage Range
    • min110
    • max220
  • Special AbilityPicks Carrots for loot and barrage attacks
  • Hp Range
    • min800
    • max2800
  • FusionPicks and holds more Carrots at once
  • TypeSupplier

Who is Mavis?

Mavis is a 'Common' character who originates from the Hay Day Pop mobile game. Now in Squad Busters, the Mavis is known for their picks and holds more carrots at once to supply the rest of the player's squad.

Mavis is a 'Supplier' hero and can be unlocked in level 42.

What are Mavis's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 125
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 250

As a supplier character, Mavis exhibits formidable offensive capabilities in both her regular and Fusion forms. In her regular state, her substantial base damage allows her to consistently contribute to battles by dealing significant harm to enemies. However, Mavis's offensive potential is further amplified when she transitions into her Fusion form. Her attack damage doubles to an impressive dramatic increase in damage output making her Fusion attacks devastatingly powerful, capable of inflicting substantial damage on foes and turning the tide of battles.

What are Mavis's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1300
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 4450

Mavis demonstrates notable defensive capabilities, particularly in her Fusion form, which significantly enhances her survivability. In her regular state, it provides her with a solid foundation of durability to withstand enemy attacks and remain engaged in combat. While not exceptionally high, this HP allows Mavis to endure typical combat scenarios without being easily defeated, ensuring that she can contribute to battles effectively.

What are Mavis's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Can pick Carrots for Coins
  • Classic Ability: Get bonus Coins for fully picking a Carrot patch
  • Super Ability: Carrots picked heal the Squad
  • Fusion Ability: Picks and holds more Carrots at once
  • Ulta Ability: Get more bonus loot from Carrot patches

Characters like Mavis

  • Goblin
  • Greg
  • Trader
  • Penny

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