
Max is a Speedster character in Squad Busters. They are originally from Supercell's Brawl Stars mobile game.

Last Updated 20 May 2024 at 12:05 pm GMT
squad-busters Max characters Image
  • RarityEpic
  • Unlock InfoOrbs 40
  • Damage Range
    • min250
    • max525
  • Special AbilityBoosts Squad speed 25% by busting foes
  • Hp Range
    • min1100
    • max3850
  • FusionBoosts Squad speed even more
  • TypeSpeedster

Who is Max?

Max is an 'Epic' character who originates from the mobile game Brawl Stars. Now in Squad Busters, Max is known for their ability to boost squad speed even more to support the rest of the player's squad.

Max is a 'Speedsters' hero.

What are Max's offensive capabilities?

  • Regular Attack Damage: 200
  • Fusion Attack Damage: 420

As a Speedster character, Max's offensive capabilities are impressive, showcasing significant power in both his regular and Fusion forms. In his regular state, the high base damage ensures that he can consistently inflict substantial harm on his enemies, making him a formidable opponent in standard combat scenarios. When he transitions into his Fusion form, his offensive capabilities receive a dramatic damage attack enhancement. This more than doubles his regular attack damage, transforming him into an exceptionally powerful combatant.

What are Max's defensive capabilities?

  • Regular Health Points (HP): 1200
  • Fusion Health Points (HP): 4200

Max's defensive capabilities reflect a notable increase in durability when transitioning from his regular form to his Fusion form. In his regular state, it provides him with a moderate level of durability, allowing him to handle typical combat scenarios without being overly vulnerable. When he enters his Fusion form, his health significantly increases. It's a considerable boost in defensive capability more than triples his regular health, making him more durable.

What are Max's Abilities?

  • Baby Ability: Activates a Squad Speed Boost
  • Classic Ability: Busting foes extends Speed Boost
  • Super Ability: Speed Boost charges faster
  • Fusion Ability: Boosts Squad speed even more
  • Ulta Ability: Speed Boost lasts much longer

Characters like Max

  • Chicken
  • Hog Rider
  • Dragon Chicken

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