Steam Breaks All-Time Record for Concurrent Players, Again

Last November, Steam recorded an all-time high number of concurrent players, listing a massive 27 million player count in just one day. But it didn't take long to break their own record, having recorded nearly 28 million concurrent players this past weekend.

SteamDB listed that the game platform had almost 28 million (27,942,036 players to be exact) on January 2. This is Steam's peak concurrent player count to date, breaking the 27.3 million record they established last November during Thanksgiving weekend.

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Steam Breaks All-Time-High Record In Number Of Concurrent Players

This new record was likely helped by the Steam Winter Sale 2021, where games like Cyberpunk 2077, Prey, Deathloop, and more were discounted. November's record also coincided with the Steam Autumn Sale 2021, though games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (915,791 peak players) and DOTA 2 (677,744 peak players) listed the highest number of players during that peak.

It's a big year for Valve, as they begin preparing for the Steam Deck's release elsewhere. It was reported two weeks ago that the handheld console already worked around 80% of Steam's top 100 games. Make sure to follow us for more gaming news and updates as it happens.

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