Developers Reveal Inspiration Behind Valorant Episode 3 Act 1 Battle Pass

For games like Valorant, the battle pass is a treasure trove of all cosmetics. The battle pass contains gun skins, sprays and gun buddies.

Overall, the battle pass is something which makes every season unique and interest. But what about the inspiration behind the battle pass? Let's hear it from the developers themselves.

Valorant developers talk about the influences behind the Episode 3 Act 1 battle pass

The idea behind the battle pass is to make the cosmetics and the game as a whole, more desirable to a wider crowd. This battle pass reflects that idea itself. Furthermore, the cosmetics in the Valorant Episode 3 Act 1 battle pass relies heavily upon the lore surrounding the agents.

Also, apart from the serious looking skins, there are a few funny sprays too. The devs did this to add some humor to battle pass as well.

As with every battle pass, we always want to create content that appeals to a wide and diverse audience. A player might not love every single thing in the battle pass, but there should always be at least one thing that they absolutely love. For this pass, we wanted it to feel very much like a reflection on the past because it’s been one year since the game launched. That’s why we created the K/TAC and Jigsaw gun skins as callbacks to our lore and agents. Lately, we’ve also tried to just create stuff that players will find funny, like the “Too Heavy” and “Clutch or Kick” sprays. If we’re cracking up over something, we hope that players will find it funny too, like some of the memey Jett sprays we’ve done in the past.
- Preeti Khanolkar, Senior Producer

You'd be surprised to know that some of these skins were designed years ago. Additionally, the Jigsaw skins rely heavily upon the key art of the newly released agents.

Players have been asking for more lore-based content and since it’s been a year since the release of the Kingdom gun skins, we decided to create the K/TAC skins. We actually made the very first concepts for these skins years ago when we thought they might be the base weapons. That changed, of course, but we loved that old design so we used it as inspiration for K/TAC. For Jigsaw, we really love the key art for all of the agents and wanted to use that in some way. One of our concept artists did a sketch of a puzzle-themed gun and we loved it. Since this battlepass was timed with the one-year anniversary of VALORANT, we decided to do variants using the key art for the Agents that have been released since the game launched: Killjoy, Skye, Yoru, and Astra (sorry, KAY/O). It felt like a cool way to reflect on those Agents!
- Sean Marino, Art Lead

Most importantly, the battle pass is a sort of a "thank you" note to the community.

This battle pass probably has the most fun metagame content we’ve ever done (my favorite type of content). We saw that players really liked some of the other meta stuff we’ve done, so we added the “Force” and “Save” Cards, the “Max Money” “Clutch or Kick” and “No Pen” sprays, and the “Naked Op” Card. Likewise, the Competitive Team (which makes the Ranked system) asked us to add the “Greatly Increased?” and “Greatly Decreased?” sprays as a little thank-you to the community for all their feedback on the ranked system. Oh, and we finally went through all the Weapon Schema cards and have left the best for last: the Guardian! And of course it’s in the same Chapter as the “No Guardian” spray and a Guardian skin. Maybe you all won’t find that funny, but we kind of did.
- Preeti Khanolkar, Senior Producer

Overall, it's really interesting to see such the creative thought process behind the Valorant Episode 3 Act 1 battle pass. This goes on to show the amount of work that goes on behind the scenes when it comes to designing something as simple as the battle pass. It's definitely more than what meets the eye!

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